?! Who is god 

I .. Where did you come from? Where to walk? What is the purpose of my coming to this life? Did Etrani create in vain the purpose behind my presence in this life? Or is there a goal behind my presence? How did you come to this life? Have you found a coincidence, as some say? How credible is this? Can it happen that all this beauty and perfection exists in everything in the universe? Does this theory have a share of health in the age of science? Or is it nature that created me as some say? What is that nature? What is its truth and meaning? Can nature be unique to creation? Is it one thing or many things multiple and diverse? Does she have a mind to manage her or does she have no mind? Can he not have reason to create a rational mind?

Or is there a God created all this universe and created his creation and mastered, and put everything in place, so that if not everything as we see now, there is no life? Did this God intend to show His wisdom? And we know the accuracy and deftness I made?

If there is a god, have we known this God? Why did we create this God? What does he want from us? Did he order us to worship him? And how did he do that? Why did not this God himself see us so that he would not be subject to the challenge of the appellants or the denial of the deniers? And if you believe in the existence of God? What are the characteristics of this faith? What is his method?

Why do we need to know that same God? Is not reason enough to reach him and know him right? What are the reasons for its inadequacy? Which way do you follow? This is what we are trying to clarify in the following pages.

The principle of causation:

With a simple look .. If we look at the sky and the earth we found that the rain comes from the clouds, and that the fruit gets from the trees, and that the trees sprout from the water and soil, and that water arises from oxygen and hydrogen, has not seen the human since the opening of his eyes on the existence of an accident occurred for no reason , Or that something is found from the non-existent, so that this meaning - in terms of the reality omnipotent - does not imagine the mind other, and not reassuring others.

This principle is not rejected only by the mind of a patient like the insane, or the mind of a minor like the child who breaks the pot, and then says that it was broken alone, and the accidents were never on this law, until it became a principle recognized in the books of philosophy, called (the principle of causation) Director of knowledge, because it is the basis of mental judgments and logical trials.

If we say that each incident must be updated or must be for each of the existence of the order of the certainty of the Muslim, does not accept the mind of another, and therefore an accident to happen in itself or on something that exists without an existing.

Based on this rule, we say: This world of land, mountains, trees, humans, animals, planets and suns must be updated, so this world must be a creator.

This is why the simple Arab man said, "The camel is indicative of the camel, and the impact is indicative of the path, the night of the day and the day of the sun, and the sky with towers,

The eternal abolition of the universe:

However, it may say to us: This world is old and eternal, and this view is also nullified by science and fixed laws. Science has proven that, as man has age, planets and galaxies live longer. On the surface of the earth, but beyond that, they said that this world has a temporal beginning, and this issue was said by philosophers out of date and proved today wrong.

The second law of thermodynamics proves that this universe can not be eternal. There is a constant thermal transfer from hot objects to cold objects. The opposite can not happen with self-strength, so that heat returns from cold objects to warm objects.

This means that the universe goes to a temperature where all the bodies are equal, the energy is depleted, and then there will be no chemical or natural processes, and there will be no effect on life in the universe.

As life still exists, and chemical and natural processes are still on its way, we can conclude that this universe can not be eternal; otherwise its energy has long been consumed and all activity ceases to exist.

Thus, science unwittingly concluded that this world had a beginning, and thus proved the existence of God, because what has a beginning can not have begun by itself, and it must have a Creator or Creator who is God.

The atoms of the sun shatter in their high-temperature heart, and with this continuous mass crash, this enormous thermal energy is generated. As it is known, when the atom crashes, it loses part of its mass. This part becomes energy. Even if it goes from its mass, as are the rest of the stars.

Scientists have used radiological and other means to estimate Earth's age, estimated at five billion years, so the universe can not be eternal, and this is consistent with the second law of thermodynamics, which has already been mentioned.

The science has shown that the universe began at once about five billion years ago and is still in a process of continuous spread from the center of its origin. Today, those who believe in the results of science must also believe in the idea of ​​creation, Nature, because these Sunan are also the fruit of creation, and they must also recognize the idea of ​​the Creator who created these laws, it is not reasonable to have a creation without a Creator.

From all this we find that this universe is not old, nor has it created a self-emergence, it must have found it.

Evidence of the invalidity of the theory of coincidence:

We come here to those who say that this world was a coincidence, to show the unequivocal evidence that this is impossible.

Land suitability for life:

The earth's appropriateness of life takes many images that can not be interpreted on the basis of chance or randomness. The earth is a sphere suspended in space, revolving around itself, resulting in the night and day relay, swimming around the sun once a year,
